A Path to Healing and Building Resilience with Somatic Experiencing

Have you ever considered how you know if an upsetting event is still living unresolved in your nervous system? One way is to notice how you retell the story (to a friend or even in your own mind). Notice if you are charging through to revisit every detail, hardly pausing, speeding up.

When we are moving fast, we skate past all the nervous system charge that lives IN the experience.

In Somatic Experiencing, we slow down the timeline to experience it, so it moves through us and releases.

Not only that, there's a particular way we go back and forth (pendulation) from slowly feeling moments of higher sensation, and returning to a grounded and calm state. This back and forth provides the circumstances for real, felt, nervous system deactivation to happen.

Deactivation is the release of the stress and a return to the natural, relaxed, rest and digest state. It's the way your body heals traumatic events, or challenges you faced alone.

This kind of process builds nervous system resilience. Resilience in this context means being able to get activated (stress, trigger, upset, overwhelm, collapse) as well as the capacity to DEACTIVATE appropriately.

We are meant to be able to get stressed. For example, we need to take action in traffic when someone cuts us off, but we also need to be able to calm back down after the event. Many of us live in an activated state the majority of the time, which spirals into health problems, relational stress, and other issues.

The more we slow it all down, the more potency that is available to discharge what is pent up.

This cannot happen by thinking, and if you have been moving fast as a way of life, it's normal to need a guide to help you (it can be difficult to navigate this work on your own).

I guide clients 1-on-1 worldwide through this powerful healing process over Zoom.

You can be free of past events in ways you haven't explored, that are not re-traumatizing, but are actually healing and designed to complete unresolved past events, while helping you become more resourced and resilient.

I would love to support you on this journey.

To move forward, contact me with your interest and we'll schedule a call to see if we’re a fit to work together.

If you're a bit curious or somewhat interested, I'm happy to explore how we can make this an enthusiastic yes for you, email me.


Cultivating Connected Relationships Through Somatic Healing and Parts Work (IFS)


Trauma Healing: A Unique Approach to Addressing Chronic Pain